About Me:

Ismael B. Valderrama M.

C.V. updated July 2018

Section Personal

Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day.

Salmo 25:4
Chepo, Tanara.

Section Academic

Universidad de Panamá / Lic. Ing. Informática  *(Work Graduation missing)
Instituto Fermin Naudeau / Bachelor Science
Domingo Faustino Sarmiento / primary school

Section Work Experience

since OCT 2018 - present (*current )
Noritex S.A.
Development & Transformation of suite of software from .net to python (web envinroment). Code optimization.   >>  .NET, PYTHON,FLASK ,GUNICORN,NGINX,IIS,MSSQL,GIT.
MAY 2009 - OCT 2018
Panasonic Latin America
After its development, the Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) - PINES (Panasonic Intelligent Network Erp System) developed three years ago demanding more support and the implementation of new functionalities.   >>  JAVA, JSP, SERVLETS, JAVABEANS, AJAX, SAP, PLSQL, ORACLE, JS.
MAY 2007 - MAY 2009
Universidad católica Santa María La Antigua
Support Webmaster,Migration and development of Secretary and accounting reports for statistics.   >>  .NET, SQLREPORTING SERVICES, CRYSTAL RFEPORTS.
DIC 2004 - ABR 2007
Panasonic Latin America
Initial contact with Panasonic on average contract defined for 2 years for the development of ERP for Department of Customer Service to all Latin American.   
JUL 2004 - DIC 2004
Computer World
obtaining SAP data for selecting web parts inventory for purchase orders of customized computers (RAM, DISK, MOTHERBOARD, FAN, CPU, etc.)   >>  PHP, HTML, CSS, SQLServer, SAP.
MAY 2003 - OCT 2003
Development of a Web app executed in INTRANET to track incidents of the applications or technology processes prior to putting them into the production environment.   >>  ASP, HTML, CSS, SQLServer.

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